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Estate Planning

Avoid Taxes on IRA Distributions

If you’re 70½ or over, you can make a donation from your IRA and avoid income tax on your own money! A great way to lower your income tax rate and support your community hospital.

How do I help my community hospital by giving TAX-FREE through my IRA?

If you’re 70½ or older, you can transfer funds from your IRA through a Qualified Charitable Distribution. If you must take Required Minimum Distributions from your IRA, you can choose to make a full or partial RMD distribution to charity. A lot is happening at SBL Fayette County Hospital and we’re so happy to be a growing part of this community.

For more information on this great way to avoid income tax on money you’ve earned, and make a charitable gift, contact your financial advisor, or:

Amy Card, Director, SBL Health Foundation
Member of Friends & Families of SBLFCH
217-258-2511 or